The 2nd INFINITI Conference on International Finance ASIA-PACIFIC
A Trinity College Dublin, Monash University & the University of Sydney Event
The University of Sydney, Australia
10-11 December 2018
Keynote Speakers: Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University, USA
& Robert Faff, University of Queensland, Australia

Papers can be submitted for regular scientific panels or for interactive panels. Scientific panels will typically have 3 papers and each paper is provided with a discussant. Interactive panel papers will be presented as a group with opportunities for group and individual comment from the audience.
Publication opportunities. We have partnered with a number of journals to provide publication possibilities, and are in discussion with others:
International Review of Financial Analysis & Pacific Basin Finance Journal: During the submission process for the Conference, authors have the option of submitting their paper for dual submission to one of these journals. This is strictly optional. Please note that this option is only available for papers that are, at submission, not under reviews in other journals. Post-Conference, at the discretion of the Journal Editors and Local Conference Chair, Prof Suk-Joong Kim, selected papers which have indicated will be invited to formally submit. Such papers will receive an expedited review and regular submission fees will be waived.
Finance Research Letters: Papers submitted for the interactive sessions can opt for a dual submission to Finance Research Letters. At the discretion of the Editors, presented papers may be invited for submission, with fees waived.